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    4 Game Reviews

    1 w/ Responses

    the concept & mechanics are rather cool, the art is very polished & full of personality, and the animation is fluid.
    the problem is that this game plays like one has to know EXACTLY how to play (and yet everyone plays differently). i like challenging games (heart Splelunky <3 and i eat Contra for lunch...on normal mode~ *sigh*), but this games feels like it could use a lot more play-testing. just trying not to flip over before the first big hill feels like an unfair challenge, and it takes away from the fun.
    like someone else had mentioned, the truck (cool warthog design!) feels too fragile, and after about 2 Game Overs, the game feels as if one needs to play almost EXACTLY as the creators themselves would play in order to now flip out~

    i know that it's much easier said than done, but the game itself--whether via visual or audio UI feedback--should inform the player of what needs to be done to succeed, as the devs obviously can't verbally tell ppl HOW to play.
    and ppl probably don't want to play games to follow strict rules, either.

    would be cool to see an improved update sometime (give me a shout when you do!).
    feel free to unleash some scathing criticism on my game "Cogger's Revenge," and good luck with the dev! :D

    - oC >[:)

    man, this is morbidly cute & awesome!
    i'd gotten myself impaled on some animals on my 2nd try, but managed to get my turtle to travel 3115.6 ft. on my 2nd go, despite starting off with a sub-20% blast (i'd hit a bomb just as i was slowing down, which then propelled me into a drunk driver's truck!)

    the fact that the Turtle breathes a sigh of relief at the very end (no cow-rib inbedded in the gall bladder this time!) is a very cool touch.
    simple in mechanics, but this is one juicy game~ kudos! - oC

    i like the concept, though i do wonder if the teleportation destination is random?
    (it wouldn't be too surprising, as the teleporatation in Spelunky is random within a controlled direction & range)
    the art-style seems to lack a degree of polish, but considering that this was completed in a 24hr gam-jam, it works. the visuals are functional, to say the least.

    the fun factor is there (i was addicted for a few go's), but it'd be cool to see a more visually polished version sometime. happy gaming! >[:D

    technomantics responds:

    Thanks for checking it out and for your feedback! :)

    pretty sweet squirrel on alien beat-down action!
    might come back later for a more detailed review...or maybe now?
    though this kinda falls in the "casual game" category, which i normally tend to have little interest in (yes, my nose is upturned!), i was pretty addicted to game...all the way till the boss & endgame!

    the overall art-style is quite charming, the animation is good, and the SFX are satisfying. the ramping is good. the new-power-up-introduced-at-the-end-of-every-level mechanic reminds me of Plants vs. Zombies; a rather effective & rewarding system, i think.

    the clickable "Max Games" link led to my loss a good many times. not sure how that might be implemented better, but personally i just angrily closed the newly opened tab each time & continued on my alien-bashing, usually meeting another loss soon afterwards. undoubtly, that was a deliberate design decision...might work for some ppl, i suppose~
    the unclickable "shield"-shaped Level plaque is something that i found somewhat amusing...despite having lost a coupla times due to that, too.

    some of the alien are quite ugly...albeit in a charming way; it made bashing in their extra-terrestrial skulls (if they have skulls?) all that more satisfying. oh, superficial world. ha~

    funny thing is that i'd never once thought it was a squirrel (at least not until i'd read the author comments after beating the Boss), despite the obvious tree habitat--i just thought that it was a cute small bear! XD that's not a knock against design, mind you. ;)

    kudos! >[:)


    graphic design

    SF bay area, sol-3

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